Thursday, May 25, 2006

Three points, and some words.

First, let me wish a Happy Birthday to my friend Vicky Mullin, she turned 23 today. Horray!!! On a related note, we're going to see X-Men 3 on Saturday, and I can't wait.

Secondly, I'm almost finished with my first sculpture. the Sumo is looking pretty much human, and has got something of a face going on. it should only take another couple hours to completely finish up, then it's into the oven for baking. that's right, the material we're using is cooked in the oven, a usefull feature since I dout that there's a single kiln in the whole of Miramichi. no offense to the river folk.

Third, I'm excited. It's been awhile since I got out the sketchbook, actually, more like I havn't felt like drawing whenever I got it out. at any rate, to keep myself awake during art history this week I started doodling and actually came up with something I'm pretty happy with. I've got some idea's for a comic and hopefully something will get down on paper. I'm going to post the pics I did in that first sesion, but I'm going to try not to put to much hype behind this untill I know more. untill next time. Peace.

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